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Estate Originals Ancient European Bronze Pilgrim's Cross (36 mm)


SKU CEJ00000203

This fascinating Byzantine-era object, known as a pilgrim's cross, is an incredible artifact from the European Middle Ages, c. 10th to 13th centuries. During this period of time in Europe, as the continent was emerging from the dark ages, Christianity was the dominant, all-encompassing way of life. One of the ways in which Christians showed their piety and fidelity to their religion was through pilgrimage to holy Christian sites; most notably, to sacred Jerusalem.

Jerusalem has been revered as the holiest of cities for thousands of years—to this day, Christian pilgrims pay homage. The most renowned of the Byzantine pilgrims was Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, who went to Jerusalem when she was 80 years old. She contributed to the construction of both the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and the Church of the Ascension on the Mount of Olives.

For hundreds of years following her, the God-fearing Christians of Europe would attempt to make the trip to Jerusalem, or at the very least, to other holy sites around Europe. Humbler travellers could purchase bronze pilgrim's crosses, such as the cross you see here, as spiritual souvenirs. This quickly became a very popular practice.

Now, not only can you bear witness to one, but you can own a superb example of this incredibly special historical artifact! This particular Byzantine Pilgrim's cross was made in bronze over 700 years ago, so it is ripe with mystery, carrying the reverence and the story of whoever lovingly wore it. This item would make a spectacular gift for any lover of medieval history or anyone interested in the practices and rituals of early Christianity.

Width: mm
Height: 36 mm

Metal: Bronze
Metal Fineness:

Appraised Value: CAD $